Project 3 - Milwaukee Beer

Milwaukee Beer is a dashboard I created using `shinydashboard` and data that I scraped from This dashboard can be used to compare beers brewed in Milwaukee and track customer sentiment.
shiny shinydashboard highcharter


Introduction: Milwaukee Beer is a dashboard I built with R’s shinydashboard package – It provides quick insights into Milwaukee breweries, and beer brewed in Milwaukee. You can toggle dropdown tabs to:

Feel free to search for beer by type and flavor too! Of course, Shiny is also free, unlike Tableau or any other software that come with a subscription or membership of some type.

Page 1 – Most Common Brewing Styles

  • Take a look at the overall landscape of beer in Milwaukee. Get an idea of how many beers of a certain type are brewed, and which styles have a higher (average) rating.
Milwaukee Beer Dashboard - Front Page

Milwaukee Beer Dashboard - Front Page

Page 2 – Milwaukee’s Breweries

  • Examine over 20 breweries in Milwaukee.
  • Planning a visit? Toggle dropdown to get the top 10 rated beers by a brewery.
  • Observe “sentiment” expressed in reviews to see if it’s a brewery you want to avoid. (Disclaimer: There is limited comment data, but the concept is what’s important!)
Milwaukee Beer App - Breweries Page

Milwaukee Beer App - Breweries Page

Page 3 – Milwaukee Beer Comparison

  • Interactive “clickable” data to help you compare beers.
  • Find & compare beers by searching across brewing style or flavor.
  • Compare sentiments mined from customer reviews posted on
Milwaukee Beer App - Beer Page

Milwaukee Beer App - Beer Page

Page 4 – Milwaukee Beer Data Table

  • Data table that powers the app.
  • Obtained by web scraping Milwaukee section of
  • Search for any relevant terms to beer and find beers to look for on the previous pages.
Milwaukee Beer App - Data table page

Milwaukee Beer App - Data table page

Other Comments

Before the app could even be born, I had to go out and find this data “in the wild”, weigh its relevance and potential, and identify a purpose for using it. From there on, I crafted a methodology not only to obtain the data (spread across a series of nested pages), but also determined the specific relationship (and therefore) how many tables to store the data in.

I joined tables when it made sense to do so. Additionally, I spent time cleaning on cleaning and feature engineering. Considering that this dashboard was built from the ground up, its scope wasn’t exactly trivial. Finally, branding and “feel” were important concepts. In order to make the app visually pleasing, I customized a significant amount of css code and used custom fonts.

My Shiny Dashboard, Milwaukee Beer

March 2, 2019
shiny shinydashboard highchartr
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